Note:  Filings in the winery lawsuit can be found in the links below.  They are also available on Pacer (a website that keeps all public records current on all federal litigation) here:  Once you register on Pacer, you can find the case by going to the Michigan Western District court under case number 1:20-cv-01008.

Background for Context of Legal Filings
Winery Ordinance Chronology
Wineries’ Demands
Wineries of Old Mission Peninsula (WOMP) Articles of Incorporation

Legal Filings
Wineries’ Complaint Against Peninsula Township
Peninsula Township’s Answer to Wineries’ Complaint
Order Denying Motion for Preliminary Injunction
PTP’s Motion to Intervene
Wineries’ Motion for Summary Judgment – Preemption
Township Motion for Summary Judgment – Preemption
Wineries’ Motion to Enforce Settlement
Order Denying Intervention
Order denying Motion to Enforce settlement
Transcript of Dec 2, 2021 Hearing on Settlement Sanctions
Wineries’ Motion for Summary Judgment – Constitutional Claims
PTP Appeal of Denial of Intervention
Township Motion for Summary Judgment– Constitutional Claims
Wineries’ Intervention Appeal Brief
PTP Reply to Wineries’ Intervention Appeal Brief
Township Motion to Stay Injunction
Wineries Response to Township Motion to Stay Injunction
Township Motion to Alter Judgment
Wineries’ Damages Report
6th Circuit Appellate Order Granting PTP Intervention
Township Motion To Stay Injunction Pending Appeal
Wineries’ Opposition to Motion To Stay Injunction Pending Appeal
PTP Motion In Support of  Township Motion To Stay Injunction
Wineries’ Opposition To PTP Support of Motion To Stay Injunction
PTP Response To Wineries’ Motion To Strike
Township Response On Opposition To Motion To Stay
Township Motion For Leave
PTP Motion To Dismiss Preemption
Order Vacating Injunction
PTP Reply To Wineries Response To PTP Motion For Relief
Wineries Response To PTP Motion To Dismiss Preemption
PTP Motion For Leave To Amend
PTP Opposition To Wineries’ Motion To Strike
Township Support For Motion To Dismiss
PTP Reply To Wineries’ Response To PTP Motion To Dismiss Preemption
Order On Township Motion in Limine
PTP Motion To Set Aside
Order Dismissing Motion For Leave To File Amended Answer
Township Motion To Amend Case Management Order
Order On Various Motions
Order On Township Motions
Order Denying Motion For Excess Word Count
Wineries’ Response To PTP Interests 
Order Substitution Of Counsel
Letter Regarding Various Issues
Order PTP Motions
Order Scheduling Conference
12-2-2022 Court Order re: 11-17-2022 Hearing
2022-06-03 Order on MSJ
2022-12-30 PTP’s Brief on Its Interests
PTP’s Motion and Revised Brief for Reconsideration ECF 301
2023-01-17 WOMP’s Response to PTP Brief on Its Interests
2023-01-23 WOMP’s Response to PTP’s Mot and Revised Brief for Reconsideration
2023-02-21 ORDER re PTP Interests and Denying Motion for Reconsideration
2023-02-22 Second Order Setting Rule 16 Scheduling Conferece
2023-04-04 Joint Status Report
2023-04-10 PTP Motion for Access to Certain Withheld Documents
2023-04-13 PTP Brief in Support of Township Motion to Stay
2023-04-18 WOMP Brief in Support of Motion for Partial Summary
2023-04-18 WOMP Brief in Opposition to Pen Twp Motion to Stay Proceedings
2023-04-24 WOMP Brief in Opposition to PTP Motion for Access to Certain Withheld Docs
2023-05-02 Second Amended CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER
2023-05-08 ORDER Denying PTP Motion to Compel Access to certain discovery material (ECF 326)
2023-05-12 WOMP Brief Supporting Motion to Compel
2023-05-16 Pen Twp Amended Response to WOMP Partial MSJ on Preemption
2023-05-16 ORDER Granting Motion to strike ECF 352
2023-05-16 PTP Brief in Support of Response to WOMP’s Part MSJ and Cross-Motion
2023-05-23 MI Twp Participating Plan’s Motion to Intervene to Disqualify Plfs’ Counsel
2023-05-23 MI Twp Participating Plan’s Motion to Disqualify Counsel for Plfs
2023-05-26 PTP Response to Motion to Compel
2023-05-30 WOMP Reply to response to Motion (333) Pen Twp’s (353)
2023-05-30 WOMP Reply to PTP Response and Response to PTP Cross Motion
2023-05-30 WOMP Response to PTP Cross Motion
2023-06-13 PTP Reply to WOMP Response (ECF 366 367) to PTP Cross Motion
2023-06-22 PTP Objections to Magistrate Order (EF 383)
2023-06-23 ORDER Granting Motion to Expedite and Staying Magistrate Order
2023-06-27 Order Denying Motion to Intervene
2023-06-28 WOMP response to PTP objections
2023-06-28 PTP Notice to Correct the Record
2023-07-14 Order overuling PTP objections
2023-08-02 WOMP Brief Supporting 2nd Motion to Compel
2023-08-03 WOMP Brief in Support of Motion to Show Cause
20230814 Township Resp to WOMP Motion to Compel
Pen Twp Response to WOMP 2nd Motion to Compel (ECF 417)
2023-08-16 PTP Response to WOMP 2nd Motion to Compel
2023-08-18 ORDER Granting in part motion for sanctions
2023-08-28 PTP Expert Report of Tom Daniels + Exhibit
2023-08-28 WOMP Expert David Moss Expert Report
2023-08-28 WOMP Expert Report of Teri Quimby
2023-08-28 WOMP Gary McDowell Expert Report
2023-08-28 WOMP Supplemental Expert Report 9-11-23
2023-08-30 ORDER denying WOMP Second Motion to Compel (ECF 417)
2023-09-08 Brief ISO Motion for Summary Judgment
2023-09-15 WOMP Protective Order motion, brief, exhibits
2023-09-21 Twp Response to WOMP Protective Order motion
2023-09-22 ORDER re Motion for Protective Order ECF 452
2023-10-06 PTP omnibus motion part 1
2023-10-06 PTP omnibus motion part 2
2023-10-06 PTP Response to WOMP MSJ Aff Def
2023-10-06 Twp motion to dismiss BHV, Brys, CC, CGT, Hawthorne, Bonobo, Mari
2023-10-06 Twp Motion to dismiss BSF 2Lads Tabone
2023-10-06 WOMP motion for summary – 1st Amendment
2023-10-06 Twp Response to WOMP MSJ Affirmative Defenses
2023-10-10 WOMP Response to Twp MSJ Preemption
2023-10-20 WOMP Reply to PTP resp to MSJ Affirmative Defenses MSJ
2023-10-20 WOMP reply to Twp resp to Affirmative Defenses MSJ
2023-10-23 WOMP response to PTP word count motion
2023-11-01 Twp Reply to WOMP response to Twp MSJ Preemption
2023-11-03 PTP Response to WOMP MSJ 1st Amendment
2023-11-03 Twp Response to WOMP MSJ 1st Amendment
2023-11-03 WOMP Motion to Strike Twp Motions to Dismiss
2023-11-03 WOMP Response to Twp Motions to Dismiss
2023-11-08 WOMP Motion to Strike Twp Response to WOMP MSJ 1st Amendment
2023-11-09 Order on Attorney Fees
2023-11-16 Order Denying WOMP Motion to Strike
2023-11-17 Twp Reply to WOMP Response to Twp Motions to Dismiss
2023-11-17 WOMP Reply to PTP Response to WOMP Partial MSJ – Const
2023-11-17 WOMP Reply to Twp Response to WOMP Partial MSJ – Const
2023-12-04 PTP Motion to Exclude WOMP witnesses McDowell, Quimby
2023-12-18 WOMP Response to PTP Motion to Exclude WOMP witnesses
2023-12-26 Order denying WOMP Motion to Strike Twp Motions to Dismiss
2023-12-27 Order Denying PTP Motion to Exclude WOMP Witnesses
2024-01-04 Notice of Hearing (2-2-2024 130PM – Twp Motions to Dismiss)
2024-02-07 Order Granting PTP Motion To File Excess Pages (ECF 470)
2024-02-07 PTP Motion For Summary Judgement Brief
2024-02-01 Complaint (Pen Twp v Meihn)
2024-02-26 Pen Twp Response in Support of PTP MJS
2024-02-26 WOMP Reponse to PTP Partial MSJ ECF 516
2024-02-29 OPINION and ORDER granting in part and denying in part ECF 333, 355, 443.pdf
2024-03-04 PTP Reply to WOMP Plus Exhibits
2024-03-12 ORDER on WOMP MSJ on Aff Defenses
March 12 Opinion Summary
2024-03-14 Order adjourning & rescheduling pretrial
2024-04-05 Opinion in Order granting in part MSJ
April 5 Opinion Summary
2024-04-23  580 – Plfs’ Trial Brief, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
2024–4-23 Excerpt From Plf’s Pre-trial Brief – Damages Calculations
580-1 Unpublished Cases
2024-04-23  581 – Joint Defs’ Trial Brief
581-1 Unpublished Cases
2024-04-23  582 – WOMP Response to MIL re Damages Expert
582-1 Unpublished Cases
2024-4-23  583 Joint Def’s Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
2024-04-25  586 Defendants’ Joint Notice of Objections re ECF 580
Ex 194 Supplemental Expert Report 
2024-4-28 PTP Opening Statement