Trails & Roads: Keeping Cyclists, Runners, Walkers and Motorists Safe
Peninsula Township has long needed a formal non-motorized transportation plan because this scenic body of land with 40+ miles of shoreline is a magnet for recreational activity. Whether you’re a biking, running or walking enthusiast, or a frustrated motorist seeing increasing amounts of motorized and non-motorized traffic on our roads, the common ground is that we’re overdue for action steps.
The 2019 citizen survey conducted for the township Master Plan showed overwhelming support (80%) to address the issue. Township leadership has formally requested that TART, Cherry Capital Cycling Club, and Norte assist the community in devising a plan. Grand Traverse County Road Commission has responsibility for our shoreline roads and will have to be engaged. Steps will be taken to immediately tackle shoreline road concerns while simultaneously working towards true off-road solutions where feasible.
The best means of providing input is to engage in Planning Commission meetings where responsibility currently rests, especially with the likely ad hoc committee to form around non-motorized transportation. PTP supports this effort, and PTP members are actively engaged in this critical community issue.
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